Apr 30, 2013

Rotary District 3420 Conference in Solo

I've just gotten back from a trip to the middle of Java, in a city called Solo, for the Rotary district conference. There were over 300 Rotarians mostly all from Eastern Indonesia, from places like Lombok and Bali to Sulawesi. It was a neat opportunity for me to get to talk to Rotarians from places that I'd visited and to tell them about what it was like being a Rotary Youth Exchange student. The best part was that the rest of the Rotary exchange kids from my district were there as well, so we all got a chance to hang out and catch up together. I hadn't seen most of them since our orientation in October! I was also a little surprised at how some of my friends hadn't really learned Indonesian yet, but I think that a lot of that has to do with their host families already being able to speak English so it's just more comfortable for them that way. I'm so glad that I had a chance to be fully-immersed with Indonesian right when I arrived early last August because I really think that that's the reason I've been doing so well with the language. I also was lucky enough to participate in the opening ceremony for the orientation dressed up as a Javanese princess! The governor of Jakarta also showed up which was a big surprise, but no one pointed him out to me until after the dance was over which is probably a good thing or I would've been much more nervous! 
But I've also been keeping really busy lately getting ready to go to college! I've finally decided on which school I'll be going to- Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina! I'm so excited to be going there in the fall. And plus they've got great study-abroad programs as well... ;) 
So yeah! That's pretty much what I've been up to. This weekend for my host mom is taking me to Bali and we're staying at their apartment on Nusa Dua so hopefully I can work on my tan a little before I've got to go back to Chicago. I also just found out that my departure date is on June 4th! So. Soon. But I know that these next couple weeks are going to be crazy busy visiting friends around Indonesia and spending time with my host family, so I'm not freaking out too much. 
I'll post pictures of Bali when I get back after this weekend! 

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