Jun 18, 2013

Sampai Jumpa, Indonesia

So I've been home from Indonesia for more than a week now. Honestly it's really weird. Everyone is white, everything here is khaki-colored, the supermarkets are all overwhelming. I've enjoyed seeing my friends and family a lot, but I just miss the smell of the ocean and the smiles of the people who greeted me at every street corner, trying to sell me fried bananas and spicy rice. I'm sure things will seem more normal to me the longer I'm back home, but right now I just feel like a fish out of water. 
I still dream in Indonesian. 
I know I will go back to Indonesia one day soon, but first I want to be able to learn and have something viable that I can give back to the country that has been nothing but accepting and hospitable of me. 

"I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell." -Walt Whitman 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kisah perjalanan yang mengharukan.. hiks... :(